Looking to reduce EU ETS costs?

Empowered and motivated crew will reduce carbon emissions 

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Understand practical examples of behaviour change techniques

See Signol in numbers - how much carbon leading shipping companies have saved

Learn how you can take action now and reduce your EU ETS costs

Sign up for our guides to:

Understand practical examples of behaviour change techniques
See Signol in numbers - how much carbon leading shipping companies have saved
Learn how you can take action now and reduce your EU ETS costs

How it works


Corneel Koster

Chief Customer & Operating Officer, Virgin Atlantic

"Signol’s ability to deliver further fuel reductions assists us in continuously moving the dial."

Nick Topham

Managing Director of BSM Deutschland

"In the long run, it can provide a great added value to our owners and charterers’ operations, and to the achievement of climate targets."

Rune Eriksen

Chief Operating Manager of Christiania Shipping

"Signol is the missing link in the maritime efficiency equation. Personalising maritime data encourages ships officers to be proactive around energy efficiency."